Chapter 3
HP NetServer Management
Web Interface takes you directly to a NetServer’s web page for detailed
information about NetServer operations
Remote Console Options allows a system administrator, support
technician, or dealer to monitor, and, when necessary, take remote control
of the server in order to maintain, configure, or otherwise manage a server’s
For detailed information about how you and/or your dealer can
enable and use HP Support Anywhere, including its remote
access features, consult the HP Support Anywhere Installation
and User Guide.
Auto Alert
HP Support Anywhere’s Auto Alert feature allows you to monitor the operating
environment of an HP NetServer and sends notifications and alarms to a
designated workstation based on factory-defined error thresholds. Auto Alert
Alarm notification in an easy-to-use, intuitive ’stoplight’ interface
Problem identification, coupled with appropriate remedies
Server operational status: up/down
Centralized monitoring of multiple HP NetServers running either Novell
NetWare / IntranetWare, or Windows NT network operating systems
Notification of NetServer disk space capacity, network interface card (NIC)
status, SCSI adapter and device problems, and potential HP NetServer
SCSI hard disk problems
Multiple client support (Data from monitored HP NetServers can be
directed to more than one workstation.)
Automatic Server Restart (ASR) capabilities
For more detailed information about using Support Anywhere’s Auto Alert, see
Appendix E. For detailed information about installation, consult the HP Support
Anywhere Installation and User Guide.