Appendix E
Server Management Using HP Support Anywhere
Minimum Server Requirements
In order to use RCONSOLE remote access, your server needs:
An external modem or direct connection via one of the HP NetServer E
40’s two serial ports
An HP NetServer running Novell NetWare 4.0, or NetWare 4.11
(IntranetWare), and including RCONSOLE software and utilities
Setup at the NetWare / IntranetWare NetServer
Enabling a NetWare RCONSOLE connection at your NetServer involves several
steps, including modifying the AUTOEXEC. NCF file, and rebooting the
NetServer in order to activate the changes.
To enable a NetWare RCONSOLE connection at your NetServer:
1. Run the NetWare server program and at the server prompt, type:
load install
2. At the NetServer installation utility, select "NCF files options" then
"Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF file".
3. Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF, by typing the following commands, each on a
separate line:
load remote <password> [Enter}
load aio {Enter}
load aiocomx{Enter}
load rs232 <com port> 19200{Enter}
4. Save and exit the edit by pressing [F10], then quit the install program.
5. Take the server off-line. Type:
6. Quit the NOS. Exit the NetWare environment and enter DOS, type:
7. Reboot, then run NetWare. Change to the NetWare server directory and
At this point your server is permanently enabled for RCONSOLE connection.