The task that must be completed before any of the Drive Encryption features are accessible. Drive
Encryption is activated using the HP ProtectTools Setup Wizard. Only an administrator can activate Drive
Encryption. The activation process consists of activating the software, encrypting the drive, creating a user account,
and creating the initial backup encryption key on a removable storage device.
Windows administrator.
A data component consisting of personal information or files, historical and Web-related data, and so on,
which is located on the hard drive.
Automatic Technology Manager, which allows network administrators to manage systems remotely at the
BIOS level.
Process of verifying whether a user is authorized to perform a task such as accessing a
computer, modifying settings for a particular program, or viewing secured data.
authorized user
A user who has been granted permission on the User Access Settings view to view or modify
configuration settings on the Simple Configuration or Device Class Configuration views.
automatic shredding
Scheduled shredding that the user sets in File Sanitizer.
back up
Using the backup feature to save a copy of important program information to a location outside the
program. It can then be used for restoring the information at a later date to the same computer or another one.
background service
The HP ProtectTools Device Locking/Auditing background service, which must be running
for device access control policies to be applied. It can be viewed from within the Services application under the
Administrative Tools option in the Control Panel. If it is not running, the HP ProtectTools Security Manager attempts
to start it when device access control policies are applied.
Category of authentication credentials that use a physical feature, such as a fingerprint, to identify a
certification authority
Service that issues the certificates required to run a public key infrastructure.
chat history session
An encrypted file that contains a record of both sides of a conversation in a chat session.
A central location where you can access and manage the features and settings in HP ProtectTools
Administrative Console.
Method by which a user proves eligibility for a particular task in the authentication process.
cryptographic service provider (CSP)
Provider or library of cryptographic algorithms that can be used in a
well-defined interface to perform particular cryptographic functions.
Practice of encrypting and decrypting data so that it can be decoded only by specific individuals.