Software Impacted—
Short description
Security Manager—
Warning received:
security application can
not be installed until the
HP Protect Tools
Security Manager is
All security applications such as Java
Card Security and biometrics are
extendable plug-ins for the Security
Manager interface. Security Manager
must be installed before an HP-approved
security plug-in can be loaded.
The Security Manager software must be installed
before installing any security plug-in.
HP ProtectTools Security
an error is returned when
closing the Security
Manager interface.
Intermittently (1 in 12 instances), an error
is created by using the close button in the
upper right of the screen to close
Security Manager before all plug-in
applications have finished loading.
This is related to a timing dependency on plug-in
services load time when closing and restarting Security
Manager. Since PTHOST.exe is the shell housing the
other applications (plug-ins), it depends on the ability of
the plug-in to complete its load time (services). Closing
the shell before the plug-in has had time to complete
loading is the root cause.
Allow Security Manager to complete the services
loading message (seen at top of Security Manager
window) and all plug-ins listed in left column. To avoid
failure, allow a reasonable time for these plug-ins to
HP ProtectTools—
Unrestricted access or
uncontrolled administrator
privileges pose security
Numerous risks are possible with
unrestricted access to the client PC,
including the following:
Deletion of PSD
Malicious modification of user
Disabling of security policies and
Administrators are encouraged to follow “best
practices” in restricting end-user privileges and
restricting user access.
Unauthorized users should not be granted
administrative privileges.