Giants Rx : 0 Excessive Colln : 0
Total Rx Errors : 0 Deferred Tx : 0
Others (Since boot or last clear) :
Discard Rx : 0 Out Queue Len : 0
Unknown Protos : 0
Rates (5 minute weighted average) :
Total Rx (bps) : 3,028,168 Total Tx (bps) : 1,918,384
Unicast Rx (Pkts/sec) : 5 Unicast Tx (Pkts/sec) : 0
B/Mcast Rx (Pkts/sec) : 71 B/Mcast Tx (Pkts/sec) : 0
Utilization Rx : 00.30 % Utilization Tx : 00.19 %
For a given port, if a friendly port name does not exist in the running-config file, the Name line in the above
command output appears as:
Name :
Searching the configuration for ports with friendly port names (CLI)
This option tells you which friendly port names have been saved to the startup-config file. (
show config
not include ports that have only default settings in the startup-config file.)
show config
Includes friendly port names in a listing of all interfaces (ports) configured with non-default settings. Excludes
ports that have neither a friendly port name nor any other non-default configuration settings.
Listing of the startup-config file with a friendly port name configured (and saved)
on page 94 to
configure port A1 with a friendly port name. Notice that the command sequence saves the friendly port name for
port A1 in the startup-config file. The name entered for port A2 is not saved because it was executed after
Listing of the startup-config file with a friendly port name configured (and saved)
int A1 name [email protected]
write mem
int A2 name Herbert's_PC
show config
Startup configuration:
; J9091A Configuration Editor; Created on release xx.15.05.xxxx
hostname "Switch"
interface AQ
name "[email protected]
snmp-server community "public" Unrestricted
Aruba 2930F / 2930M Management and Configuration Guide
for ArubaOS-Switch 16.08