For a complete list of options available for the
command, see the HP 3PAR Command
Line Interface Reference and the HP 3PAR CLI Help.
Freeing Virtual Volume Snapshot Space
To free unused snapshot administration and snapshot data space from a virtual volume that is not
in use by the system, issue the
freespace <VV_name>
freespace <pattern>
represents the names of the virtual volumes from which snapshot space is to be
made available.
represents the name of the pattern from which snapshot space is to be made
available from all volumes matching that pattern name.
command cannot be used if the virtual volume has snapshots, the virtual
volume is a TPVV, or the TPVV was created with HP 3PAR OS release 2.2.4 or earlier.
For a complete list of options available for the
command, see the HP 3PAR Command
Line Interface Reference and the HP 3PAR CLI Help. For information about tuning your system for
better performance, see
“Performance Tuning” (page 173)
Setting Expiration Times for Virtual Volumes
You can set virtual volume expiration times with the
option of the following commands:
Use the
option to set an expiration time for any volume or copy of a volume. The expired
virtual volumes are not automatically removed, so you must use the
command or the
System Scheduler to remove the expired volumes. The expiration time can be set during the volume
creation time, or can be applied to an existing volume.
To set the volume expiration time for any volume, issue the
setvv -exp <time> d|D|h|H
command, where:
-exp <time> d|D|h|H
specifies the amount of time from the current time in which the
volume will expire. The value for
must be a positive integer in the range of 1 hour
to 43,800 hours (1,825 days). The value for
can be specified in days with
hours with
. For example,
specifies 14 days.
is the name of the volume that is set to expire.
Setting Retention Times for Virtual Volumes
HP 3PAR Virtual Lock Software is an optional feature that enforces the retention period of any
volume or copy of a volume. You must purchase the Virtual Lock license to use the
option. Locking a volume prevents the volume from being deleted intentionally or unintentionally
before the retention period elapses. You can use Virtual Lock to specify the retention period for
any volume or copy of a volume.
Use the
showvv -retained
command to display all volumes with retention times, and the time
at which the volume retention expires.
Rules for using volume retention times:
The retention time can be set during volume creation or applied to an existing volume.
The retention time can be increased, but it cannot be decreased.
Managing CPGs and Virtual Volumes