Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
By default, TPVVs and their underlying CPGs dedicate space from all available resources as they
grow, both from preexisting and new drive capacity resources. This natural expansion capability
of TPVVs reduces the need for changing the layout of TPVVs after adding disks.
To change the layout of TPVVs following a hardware upgrade, perform the following:
Create a new CPG. See
“Creating a Common Provisioning Group” (page 80)
for instructions.
Tune the user space of the volume by issuing the
tunevv usr_cpg <CPG_name>
command, where:
usr_cpg <CPG_name>
is the name of the CPG created in
Step 1
, indicating the user
space of the new CPG will be used.
is the TPVV you are modifying.
Tune the snapshot space of the volume by issuing the
tunevv snp_cpg <CPG_name>
command, where:
snp_cpg <CPG_name>
indicates the CPG to where the snapshot space is moved.
is the TPVV you are modifying.
Fully-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
To change the layout of FPVVs following a hardware upgrade, perform the following:
Create a new CPG. See
“Creating a Common Provisioning Group” (page 80)
for instructions.
Tune the user space of the volume by issuing the
tunevv usr_cpg <CPG_name>
command, where:
usr_cpg <CPG_name>
is the name of the CPG created previously in
Step 1
, indicating
the user space of the new CPG will be used.
is the fully-provisioned virtual volume you are modifying.
Tune the snapshot space of the volume by issuing the
tunevv snp_cpg <CPG_name>
snp_cpg <CPG_name>
indicates the CPG to where the snapshot space is moved.
is the fully-provisioned virtual volume you are modifying.
Changing Virtual Volume RAID Levels
Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
To change the RAID type of a TPVV, perform the following:
Create a new CPG with the RAID type to which you wish to change the volume. See
a Common Provisioning Group” (page 80)
for instructions.
Change the TPVV’s RAID type by issuing the
tunevv usr_cpg <CPG_name> <TPVV_name>
command, where:
usr_cpg <CPG_name>
is the name of the CPG created previously in
Step 1
is the TPVV whose RAID type you are changing.
Fully-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
To change the RAID type of a fully-provisioned virtual volume, perform the following:
Create a new CPG with the RAID type to which you wish to change the volume. See
a Common Provisioning Group” (page 80)
for instructions.
Tuning and Modifying Virtual Volumes