If the motorcycle is o perated with insuf
ficient battery ele ctrolyte , sulfation and
b att ery plate damage will occur .
If rapid loss of e le ctro lyte is ex perience d ,
o r i f your batt ery seem s t o be weak ,
causing slow starting or other e lectrical
problems, see your authorized Honda
dealer for inspection.
Battery ele ctrolyte :
The battery
1 ) is behind the right side
cover. Remove the side cover a n d s e a t .
Discon nect the n e ga tive
) termin a l l e a d
( 2 ) from the ba t t ery firs t , t h e n dis
connect the positive ( + ) terminal lead ( 3 ) .
Disconn e c t t h e b a t t ery bre a t h e r t u b e
from t h e battery a n d unscrew the bolt
(5 ).
Pull out the battery a n d check the
electrolyt e level.
ele ctrolyte level m ust be m aint ained
bet ween the upper ( 6 )
a n d
( 7 )
mrks on
the side o f the battery . If the
ele ctrolyte
level is low , remove the bat
tery filler caps
( 8 ) .
Carefully a d d
distilled w a t e r t o
t h e upper
level m ark , using a small syringe or plastic
When ch e cking the bat tery ele ctroly te
level or adding distilled water, m a ke
sure the breather tu be (4) is connected
to th e battery brea ther ou tle t.
Use only d istilled water in the battery .
Tap wa ter m a y short en t h e servic e
o f the battery .
( I ) Battery
Negative (
) terminal lead
( 3 ) Postitive (+) terminal lead
(4) Battery breather tube