The U . S . Environmental Prote ction Agency requires m anuafa cturers to certify that
motorcycles built after D e cember 3 1 , 1 9 7 7 will com p ly with applicable emission
stand ards during their useful life , when operated and m aintained a ccording to the
instructions provided . Co m pliance with the terms of the Distributor's W arranty for
Honda Motorcycle Emission Control Systems is necessary in order to keep the emission:
system warranty in effect. ( U SA ON LY)
When service is required , rem e m ber that your authorized Honda d e aler knows your
motorcycel best and is fully equipped to maint ain and repair it .
The scheduled maintenance m ay also be performed by a qualified service facility that
normally does this kind of w ork ; or you may perform most o f the work yourself if you
are mechanically qualified and h ave the proper tools and service data.
These instructions are b ased on the assumption that the motorcycle will b e used ex
clusively for its designed purpose . Sustained high speed o peratio n , or operation in un
usually wet or dusty conditions w ill re quire m ore frequent service than specified in the
M AINTENANCE SCHEDU LE . Consult your authorized Honda d ealer for recom
mend ations applicab le to your individ ual needs and use .