Rev. 1.10
November 04, 2019
Rev. 1.10
November 04, 2019
Battery Charger Flash MCU
Battery Charger Flash MCU
Erasing the Emulated EEPROM
For Emulated EEPROM erase operation the desired erase page address should first be placed in
the EAR register. The number of the erase operation is 16 words per page each time, therefore, the
available page erase address is only specified by the EAR4 bit in the EAR register and the content
of EAR3~EAR0 in the EAR register is not used to specify the page address. To erase the Emulated
EEPROM page, the EEREN bit in the ECR register must first be set high to enable the erase
function. After this the EER bit in the ECR register must be immediately set high to initiate an erase
cycle. These two instructions must be executed in two consecutive instruction cycles to activate
an erase operation successfully. The global interrupt bit EMI should also first be cleared before
implementing any erase operations, and then set high again after a valid erase activation procedure
has completed. Note that the CPU will be stopped when an erase operation is successfully activated.
When the erase cycle terminates, the CPU will resume executing the application program. And the
EER bit will be automatically cleared to zero by the microcontroller, informing the user that the
data has been erased. The Emulated EEPROM erased page content will all be zero after an erase
Writing Data to the Emulated EEPROM
For Emulated EEPROM write operation the desired write unit address should first be placed in the
EAR register and the data placed in the ED0L/ED0H~ED3L/ED3H registers. The number of the
write operation is 4 words each time, therefore, the available write unit address is only specified by
the EAR4~EAR2 bits in the EAR register and the content of EAR1~EAR0 in the EAR register is
not used to specify the unit address. To write data to the Emulated EEPROM, the EWREN bit in
the ECR register must first be set high to enable the write function. After this the EWR bit in the
ECR register must be immediately set high to initiate a write cycle. These two instructions must be
executed in two consecutive instruction cycles to activate a write operation successfully. The global
interrupt bit EMI should also first be cleared before implementing any write operations, and then set
high again after a valid write activation procedure has completed. Note that the CPU will be stopped
when a write operation is successfully activated. When the write cycle terminates, the CPU will
resume executing the application program. And the EWR bit will be automatically cleared to zero by
the microcontroller, informing the user that the data has been written to the Emulated EEPROM.
Reading Data from the Emulated EEPROM
For Emulated EEPROM read operation the desired read address should first be placed in the EAR
register. To read data from the Emulated EEPROM, the ERDEN bit in the ECR register must first be
set high to enable the read function. After this a read cycle will be initiated if the ERD bit in the ECR
register is now set high. Note that the CPU will be stopped when the read operation is successfully
activated. When the read cycle terminates, the CPU will resume executing the application program.
And the ERD bit will be automatically cleared to zero by the microcontroller, informing the user
that the data has been read from the Emulated EEPROM. Then the data can be read from the ED0H/
ED0L data register pair by application program. The data will remain in the data register pair until
another read, write or erase operation is executed.
Programming Considerations
Care must be taken that data is not inadvertently written to the Emulated EEPROM. Protection can
be enhanced by ensuring that the Write Enable bit is normally cleared to zero when not writing.
Although certainly not necessary, consideration might be given in the application program to the
checking of the validity of new write data by a simple read back process. When writing or erasing
data the EWR or EER bit must be set high immediately after the EWREN or EEREN bit has been