8 Software »mzr-Pump controller«
Operating manual mzr-2542 / mzr
Technical data subject to change without prior notice!
Last update: January 2016
Software »mzr-Pump controller«
Install the delivered software »mzr-pump controller« from both diskettes or
CDs by starting the program »Setup« on the diskette »Disk 1« or CD. The
delivered software is compatible with Windows 95
, Windows 98
Windows NT, Windows 2000
and Windows XP
The program enables to coordinate metering or continuous delivery tasks.
The operating parameters of the micro annular gear pump are set with the
included user interface.
If the diskettes »mzr-pump controller« is not available because you have
received for example the »Motion Manager« software instead, you may
download this software from the web site www.hnp-mikrosysteme.de/
downloads.htm. The updated version is always available in English and German.
After a successful installation the program »mzr-pump control« can be found in
the start menu under »Programs - HNP Mikrosysteme«. After the program had
been initiated, data such as the pump type »mzr-2542« or »mzr-2942«, the
encoder resolution and the gear reduction should be set.
The »Dosage« operating mode (see figure 34) enables to set constant volumes
in units such as ml, mg or rpm as well as pauses for a fixed number of
sequences or for continuous operation. Each metering procedure will be
configured as according to speed profile which is set for such values as »Max.
velocity« and the »Acceleration«. The maximal allowable speed values extend
from 1 to 6000 rpm and the acceleration values from 1 to 2000 rotation/s².
A dosage task can be initiated with the »Start« button or by pressing the enter
key. The task may be stopped either with the »Stop« button or by pressing
once again the enter key.
In the »Continuous flow« operating mode (see figure 35) continuous flow rates
in units such as ml/min, g/min and rpm may be set. The operation of the micro
annular gear pump for the indicated »Duration« value may be initiated with the
»Start« button or by pressing the enter key. Checking of the »endless« box will
put the pump to continuous operation. Pressing on the »Stop« button or on
the enter key once again will stop the delivery. If you check the
»Potentiometer« box, speed may be set by turning the potentiometer knob in
the front of the control module or on the control unit.
The input of the »Fluid density« enables to convert units of weight to the given
volumes or flow rates expressed in volume units.
: if you are only working with volumes, the indication of liquid density
will not be necessary and the standard value »1« can be left.
The »Calibration factor« enables to find the relation between the actually
delivered quantities or flow rates (= actual value) and the set up quantities or
flow rates (=nominal value). The calibration factor is specific to every pump and
each application case and therefore should be determined by the user as