107 (148)
In particular the understanding and use of the ICD and CID files for the client and server
roles is a prerequisite of the integration of IEC 61850.
Logical devices and values
At the top there is a list of Logical devices and their values. You can add, or remove devices and
values (input or output) by selecting them in the respective tree generated from parsing the ICD/
CID file. For each device or value the list shows a name, a device type, a datatype and an index.
The name is parsed from the ICD/CID file. The device type shows if the Logical device is a server
or a client. The datatype field is only available for values. The indexes are used internally to
address the devices and their values.
Below the Logical device list there are several fields through which some general settings can be
Defines whether to operate as a Server, Client or both
Access debug
For debugging purposes: Logs object accesses in event log
Read debug
For debugging purposes: Logs object read accesses in event log
Write debug
For debugging purposes: Logs object write accesses in event log
Update debug
For debugging purposes: Logs object update accesses in event log
Operate debug
For debugging purposes: Logs object command accesses in event log
Client Options
supervision interval
Defines the interval in seconds in which it is checked if the connection to the server is still open.
Note that if the interval is too short, a warning message will be shown on the event log. In this
case you should increase the interval.
Polling interval
Defines the interval in seconds in which all values will be read from the server. Note that if the
interval is too short to read all values, a warning message will be shown on the event log. In this
case you should increase the interval.
Client SCL
Here an ICD/CID file can be uploaded or downloaded to or from the device. Once a file has been
parsed, values can be selected or deselect from the generated tree.
Server Options
Enable GOOSE
Enable GOOSE subscription; note that the provided ICD/CID file must also support this feature.
Server SCL
Here an ICD/CID file can be uploaded or downloaded to or from the device. Once a file has
been parsed, values can be selected or deselect from the generated tree.
Event Log Messages
The following section describes the messages that the IEC 61850 driver may log to the Event Log.
All messages are prefixed with the text
IEC 61850 driver:
Server IP:<IP address> , IED:<device name> , connection status: connected.
The driver successfully connected to the TCP server with the given IP address. This message
will only be shown if the driver failed to connect to the same server before.
(Wrote or Read) value
<value name>
of device
<device name>
A value was succesfully written or read. This message will only be shown if the driver failed
to read or write the same value before.
The interval is being maintained again.
This message appears after this message, when the interval is being maintained again.
Anybus Edge Gateway Reference Guide
SCM-1202-154 1.0 en-US