2.11.6 Hatch and positioning commands
Check standstill after a centrifugation run before sending any hatch- or positioning commands
2.11.7 Bit of modification
The communication provide a "modification bit" in parameter "Centrifuge state 1"
Parameter-No: 00634 Lowbyte, bit7
The following changes / modifications "trigger" (set) the "modification bit":
- Key-Lock status was changed, e.g. Key-Lock status is changed to "teaching"
- Centrifugation was started
- Centrifugation was stopped
- Centrifugation was finished (standstill after run ).
- Rotor was changed
- Error is detected
- Mains interrupt is detected (after power-on)
After enquiring parameter "Centrifuge state 1" the modification bit is automatically cleared.
The benefit of this function is:
You have only to enquire one parameter (00634) to "detected" several changes. After such a modification the
other parameters (e.g. 00635) should be enquired.
2.12 State of the centrifuge after power on and general operating states.
- “State of the centrifuge” and the required ENQUIRY protocol after power on.
Each SELECT telegram replies a "NAK" , as long as the "Power On" bit is set