Chapter 7 Administrative Procedures
© 2017 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Harmonic MediaGrid Release 4.1
Using mgcopy to Copy Files Between Harmonic MediaGrid Systems
Table 7–1: mgcopy Values
ContentDirector name or IP address
User name for the ContentDirector
Password for the ContentDirector
Location of the source file to be copied
Location of the file to copy the source file to
Location of the file, which lists the name of files/directories copied using the mgcopy
Location of the file, which lists the name of files/directories for which ACLs were not
Status of copy
Preserve the owner at destination.
Preserve the ACLs at destination
Used with other options like copyAcl and copyOwner, but does not copy data at
Do a test run of the command to see if the version of source and destination Harmonic
MediaGrids are compatible with each other
Debug level (default: 0)
Copy recursively all the sub directories and files
Display this help and exit
Specifies the type of copy.
Here are the values for the copy option:
: Deep copy within a cluster
: Shallow copy within a cluster
: Deep copy across clusters
Provide the following credentials only if -copy = “across”
: User name of the destination ContentDirector
: Password for the destination ContentDirector
: Name or IP address of the destination ContentDirector
Note the following examples:
mgcopy -s <server ip-addr> -u john -p password -copy deep -
srcfile /fs/dir1/file1 -dstfile /fs/dir2/file2
mgcopy -s <server1 ip-addr> -u john -p password -copy across
-s2 <server2 ip-addr> -u2 john2 -p2 password2 -srcfile /fs/
dir1/f1 -dstfile /fs2/dir1/f2