Chapter 4 System Configuration
© 2017 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Harmonic MediaGrid Release 4.1
Initializing Clusters
5. If the message displayed in the prior step is “mdsstartup is stopped”, type the command
below to start the ContentDirector service:
sudo service omcld start
If you did not initialize clusters as part of the configuration assistant, continue to the following
section. If you already initialized clusters as part of the configuration assistant, continue to
the Harmonic MediaGrid System Time
Initializing Clusters
If you already initialized clusters as part of the configuration assistant, continue to
Harmonic MediaGrid System Time
Complete this procedure for all ContentDirectors.
The following steps must also be performed after replacing a ContentDirector.
Initializing Clusters
Once the ContentDirector software is running for the first time, it must be initialized to a cluster.
All ContentDirectors in one cluster must have the same Cluster ID. For more information about
clusters, see
Required Information for a Windows Domain Controller
depending on your system.
Perform the following steps on each ContentDirector.
To initialize the cluster(s):
1. Make sure you are logged on to the ContentDirector with the following credentials:
User name: ovnuser
Password: OVN@SvCaUsa
2. Type the following at the command prompt:
cd /home/ovnuser/scripts
3. Start the initialization script with the following command:
sudo ./initialize
4. Follow the prompts to initialize the cluster(s).
Output similar to the following should appear:
Connecting to host "localhost", protocol "tcp", prog 0x20000004
Initializing the cluster
The cluster was initialized successfully
The cluster ID should now be set on the ContentDirector, and the programs should begin to
execute in sequence.
Verifying Cluster Connectivity
1. Make sure that the ContentServers have been acquired by typing the following:
sudo /opt/omcld/bin/ssmdiag -s
You should output similar to the following:
SSID=0 SN=S00007E6A1.0 MGRAID3000 GB=253/
9264 SC=47229