Chapter 4 System Configuration
© 2017 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Harmonic MediaGrid Release 4.1
Configuring the Remote Media API on a ContentBridge
The default value for the Cache Memory Limit is sufficient in most cases. If you are unsure
of whether you should change it, please contact Technical Support for assistance.
Before you begin, you can check the current parameter settings by entering the following
sysctl omfs_cache_max_mem_MB omfs_cache_pre_allocate
To set memory usage parameters on Linux clients:
Specify the maximum File Open Limit by entering the following command:
mount –t omfs /mediagrid/filesys /mnt
–o username=username,password=password,readahead=2,filelimit=N
where N is equal to the maximum number of simultaneously open files.
Specify the ReadAhead value by typing the following command:
mount –t omfs /mediagrid/filesys /mnt
-o username=username,password=password,readahead=N
where N is equal to the number of slices.
If necessary, modify the Cache Memory Limit by typing the following command:
echo NNN > /proc/sys/omfs_cache_max_mem_MB
where “NNN” is the amount of memory specified in megabytes.
If necessary, modify the Pre-allocation Limit by entering the following command:
sysctl omfs_cache_pre_allocate=NNN
where “NNN” is the number of memory cache units (increments of 256KB).
If necessary, modify the Allocation Limit by entering the following command:
sudo sysctl –w omfs_cache_allocate_limit=NNN
where “NNN” is the maximum number of cache memory units (increments of 256KB)
To enable the new settings to persist after future reboots, Harmonic recommends that you
edit the same parameters in
omfs_cache_max_mem_MB = NNN
omfs_cache_pre_allocate = NNN
omfs_cache_allocate_limit = NNN
Increased memory allocations should take effect immediately. If the demand from other
allocations is significant, however, a reboot may be needed.
Configuring the Remote Media API on a ContentBridge
Follow these steps if you would like to initiate transfers of clips using the Remote Media API on a
ContentBridge. You will need to edit the ContentBridge configuration file to enable this
The Remote Media API version can be selected by editing the MEDIA_API_VERSION parameter
in the ContentBridge configuration file. For information on supported versions, refer to the
Harmonic MediaGrid Release Notes
. For information on editing the configuration file, refer to
Editing the ContentBridge Configuration File in
Harmonic SystemManager User Guide