Chapter 6 Accessing the Harmonic MediaGrid
© 2017 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Harmonic MediaGrid Release 4.1
Connecting Clients to Harmonic MediaGrid Using ContentBridge
Using CIFS on a Linux Client
Follow these steps to access the Harmonic MediaGrid from a Linux client.
To use CIFS:
1. Type the following at the command prompt:
mount -t cifs -o username=<USERNAME>\\\\<CLB>\\<SHARE NAME> /PATH/TO/
For example, you would enter the following to mount SHARE NAME “testfs_aau” on
ContentBridge “domain name” onto mount point “/mnt/omfs” using username “aau”:
mount -t cifs -o username=aau \\\\
domain name
\\testfs_aau /mnt/omfs
2. When prompted for a password, enter the password associated with the user name in the
ContentBridge configuration file.
Using NFS on a Linux Client
Follow these steps to access the Harmonic MediaGrid from a Linux client.
To use NFS:
1. Type the following at the command prompt:
mount -t nfs <CLB>:/mnt/omfs/<CLD>/<USER_NAME>/omfs/<FS_NAME> /PATH/
For example, you would enter the following to mount the file system “testfs” on ContentDirector
“director” via ContentBridge “bridge” using username “aau” onto mount point “/mnt/omfs”:
mount -t nfs bridge:/mnt/omfs/director/aau/omfs/testfs /mnt/omfs
You are not prompted for a user name or password.
Next Steps
See the
Harmonic SystemManager User Guide
for details about system operation and
configuration procedures for Harmonic MediaGrid using the SystemManager application,
including enabling NFS by editing the ContentBridge configuration file.