Hardy 1734-WS Installation & Operation Manual
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Product Description
HI1734-WS Weigh Scale Modules are self-contained, microprocessor-based I/O modules that produce weight
data when connected to strain gauge load sensors (load cells, load points, platform scales), and are plugged
into an Allen-Bradley Point I/O System.
The Allen-Bradley Point I/O® manual contains useful information about POINT I/O products that is not
provided in this manual. This manual assumes that users have a basic understanding of process control and
can interpret ladder logic instructions as needed to generate the electronic signals that control their
The HI1734-WS Weigh Scale Modules can be used for a wide variety of process weighing applications such as
batching, blending, filling/dispensing, check weighing, force measurement, level by weight and weight rate
The analog-to-digital converter in the weighing module controller updates 70 times per second and is capable
of up to 8,388,608 counts of resolution. This is enough to provide accurate weight measurement and control
and tolerate large “dead” loads or over sizing of load sensors.
During the measurement of small weight changes, the effects of mechanical vibration and noise from the
operating environment can introduce substantial interference. Waversaver factors out vibration, noise, and
other interference-related signals from the load cell so the rate controller can better compute the actual
weight data.
Waversaver® can be configured to ignore noise with frequencies as low as 0.25 Hz. One of five higher
additional cut off frequencies may be selected to provide a faster instrument response time. The default
factory configuration is 1.0 Hz vibration frequency immunity. The five cutoff frequencies are: 0.25Hz, 0.5Hz,
1Hz, 3.5Hz and 7.5Hz.
C2® Calibration
Traditional calibration uses certified test weights. C2® Electronic Calibration allows a scale to be calibrated
without the need for test weights.
A C2 weighing system consists of up to eight C2 load sensors, a junction box, interconnect cable, and an
instrument with C2 capabilities. Each Hardy C2-certified load sensor outputs digital information used for the
calibration. The modules read the sensor outputs and detect the number of active sensors. It then calibrates the
scale based on the load sensor’s output plus a user-supplied reference point value (from 0 to any known weight
on the scale).