Hangar 9 F4U-1D Corsair 50 ARF
. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the
rib sections from inside the wing to allow the installation of
the wheel well. The ribs have been laser cut to aid in their
. Install the Y-harness included with the retracts
and secure it to the lead on the retract using string or dental
floss. There are openings in the ribs near the spar to route
the aileron and retract servo leads. This will keep the leads
from interfering with the fit of the wheel well. Remove the
temporary tape from the aileron connection to allow both the
retract and aileron extensions to be routed through the wing,
as shown in the photo on the following page.
18. Check the fit of the wheel well into the wing. You
may need to use a rotary tool and sanding drum to adjust
the opening to allow the well to fit. It may also be necessary
to notch the wheel well to clear the top of the retract chassis.
Use low-tack tape to hold the wheel well in position. Do not
glue the wheel well at this time.
: You may be necessary to lightly sand a couple
of the wing ribs next to the wing sheeting to allow
the wheel well lip to fit flush to the wing surface.
: Always use threadlock on metal-to-metal
fasteners to prevent them from vibrating loose. Since
the collar is being used as a spacer, you will not need
a flat for the setscrew on this particular wheel collar.
19. Slide the 4mm wheel collar included with the
retracts (this collar has a dull finish) on the axle from the
retract. Use the setscrew to secure the collar on the axle.
20. Remove the hub cap from the main wheel. Slide
the wheel on the axle with the side opposite the hub cap
facing the wheel collar.