Illuminator User Manual
Page 17
Change Location and Lighting Setup
It is important to choose a unique location name for every Illuminator. This location name is
sent at the beginning of each SMS transmission to identify the particular Illuminator device.
If not already displayed, access the “Change Setup” page as described in “Setting up an
Illuminator for the first time” above.
Click “Change Location & Lighting Setup”.
Settings common to all lighting scenarios are available for modification on the top half of the
Enter a unique location name for this particular Illuminator. The name can be up to 16
characters long. For this example, let’s use “Wingham Field” as the name. Simply type this
into the space provided.
Invalid SMS commands generate an appropriate response, advising the user of the problem.
'Help contact person' contains the name and the telephone number that users can call if they
have problems with SMS commands. These contact details are added to the end of the SMS
sent in response to an invalid command.
'Maximum on time (minutes)' sets the maximum time that lights can be left on. For normal
users this works in conjunction with the periods during the day in which they are allowed to
control lights.
'Turn off delay (minutes)' is useful for classic (non-LED) lights.
If a user commands the Illuminator to turn the lights off, the command is accepted but the
lights are kept on for the number of minutes entered here. This gives a chance to a new user
to turn the lights back on without having to wait for the warm-up period.
'Turn on delay (seconds)' is useful when the Illuminator is commanded to simultaneously
activate multiple controls. Instead of turning on all relevant controls at exactly the same time,
they are turned on in a staggered manner, the entered number of seconds apart. This
minimises potentially large inrush currents that could trip circuit breakers etc.
‘Cost per kWh’ is used to calculate actual lighting cost in dollars, based on the cost of
electricity entered here and the power rating of individual lighting scenarios discussed in the
next paragraph.
The bottom half of the page is used to define power rating of lighting circuits and how
individual lighting scenarios act on physical Illuminator controls that drive actual lighting
circuits via contactors.
The information entered here is based purely on how the lighting circuits have been wired up
by your electrician.