After the USB connection is installed, install the latest version of MS ActiveSync. It can be downloaded
from Microsoft’s web site.
Using a web browser go to
. Search for Active Sync or ActiveSync.
Download the latest version of MS ActiveSync. If saved to disk, double click on the MSASYNC.exe
icon directory to start the installation. It will copy files and then begin setup.
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the Microsoft ActiveSync setup. Use the default folder
if possible. It is likely that the installation will appear to hang at approx. 91% for a few minutes.
Allow it to continue.
After completion you may see the New Partnership dialog. In order to successfully transfer SIR 3000
data via USB you will need to set up a guest connection with the SIR 3000. Select No at this dialog
each time you connect your SIR 3000, as you do not synchronize any information with the PC.
Synchronization is for Pocket PC users (and similar) who need to synchronize information. You
should configure MS ActiveSync to bypass this dialog by following Step 1 of Part 3 below.