The section briefly describes four out of the six operation modes for the SIR 3000. These modes are more
limited in their customization because they are meant for specific applications or to collect data for on-
screen target location as opposed to post-processing. As noted earlier, TerraSIRch mode allows you full
reign over all collection parameters. The 3Dscan mode is similar to TerraSIRch in that it is fully
customizable, but with the added feature of defining an easy 3D data collection project. Please note that
some of these modes may require additional equipment purchase in order to get full functionality.
Expanded instructions for each of these modes are available in the form of separate QuickStart manuals.
Contact your GSSI sales consultant for more details. The four additional modes are:
ConcreteScan is meant for a ‘quick and dirty’ scan of concrete. You would use this mode to locate
shallow structural features in concrete and mark their location directly on the survey surface prior to any
cutting, coring, or drilling. It works with the 2.6 GHz, 1.6 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 1.0 GHz and 900 MHz
First choose English or Metric units and then click on the ConcreteScan button. You will then see the data
display screen and, if an antenna is connected, it will initialize and data will start to scroll across.
ConcreteScan includes the backup cursor function. This allows you to back the antenna over the line you
just surveyed and get an on-screen cursor that will help you relate the location of targets in the data back
to the slab. The backup line in the data is the location of the midpoint of the antenna.
You will choose your antenna (2.6 GHz, 2.0 GHz Palm 1.6 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 1.0 GHz or 900 MHz) under
the RADAR submenu, and also select DISTANCE or TIME based collection under MODE. Remember to
check the survey wheel calibration if you are using DISTANCE.
Under the Scan submenu, choose your maximum penetration depth from a number of presets:
6, 12, 18, 36 inches, or 15, 30, 50, 100 cm.
Select your SCN/UNIT from 5/7.5/10 per inch or 2/4/5 per cm.
Also set your concrete type from a number of presets ranging from Dry to Wet. This sets the dielectric
constant and gives you a rough depth calculation.