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Made in Czech Republic
and tape the end to the underside of the fuselage close to the tailplane.
Note: two M4 captive nuts are fitted in the fuselage to secure the wing; it is a good idea to apply a drop of cyano to
them to prevent them working loose.
The LiPo battery fits in the battery compartment. Caution: make sure the speed controller is switched off before you
connect the G3.5 connectors.
The final stage in assembling the model is to cut out and apply the decals. Please note that the front windscreen
should be applied in two separate parts in order to avoid excessive wrinkles. Mark the dummy ribs on the strut fairings
using a felt-tip pen.
Balancing and flying
Assemble the model completely and support it under the wing spar, i.e. 50 mm aft of the wing root leading edge. The
model should now balance level when supported at this point. If necessary adjust the position of the LiPo flight
battery, then fix the pack in place using Velcro tape.
Give the transmitter and the LiPo battery a full charge, and set the control surface travels as follows: ailerons 18 mm
up, 9 mm down; elevator 10 mm up and 10 mm down, rudder 25 mm to both sides of centre, measured at the bottom.
For the first flight wait for a day with flat calm conditions or only a very slight breeze. Ground take-off is possible if you
have access to a smooth tarmac strip aligned exactly into wind, but hand-launching is completely straightforward in
any case. Always launch and land the model directly into any wind.
All of us at GRAUPNER Modellbau hope you have many enjoyable flights with your