System Errors
System errors alert you of a problem and help
prevent off-ratio spraying. When an error occurs the
error information screen displays the active error
code and description.
The error code, alarm bell, and active errors will scroll
in the status bar. For a list of the ten most recent
errors see
There are three types of errors that can occur. Errors
are indicated on the display as well as by the light
tower (optional).
A parameter critical to
the process has reached
a level requiring the
system to stop. The
alarm needs to be
addressed immediately.
A parameter critical
to the process has
reached a level requiring
attention, but not
sufficient enough to
stop the system at this
A parameter that is
not immediately critical
to the process. The
advisory needs attention
to prevent more serious
issues in the future.
To troubleshoot the active error, see
. See system
repair manual for non-error based troubleshooting.