Quilt Backing
Good Side Down
Secure edge of fabric into
place with Fabrifast Tubing
To begin, determine the front and back edges of your quilt bottom (be sure it will fit within the size
of your frame. If your quilt size is much smaller than the frame, that is no problem. You may center
it on the frame, or have the quilt off to one side. NOTE! If you have the space available on the
frame, it is a good idea to cut your quilt bottom about 4” wider and 8” longer than your quilt top.
• With the “good” side of your bottom facing down, pin the quilt bottom to the cloth leader on
the back rail, along the straight line you have marked. Avoid stretching the fabric as you pin. You
can mark the center of both the quilt bottom and the cloth leader and begin pinning at the mark, if
desiring to center you fabric on the rails.
• Allowing the ratchet stop to rest in the ratchet wheel, slowly and gently roll up your quilt bottom
onto the back rail. As you do, make sure the fabric rolls up perfectly natural without wrinkles. NOTE!
It is important that you roll the rail so the fabric rolls over and onto the rail, as pictured. The ratchet
stop will prevent you from rolling the fabric the wrong way.
• NOTE! As you smooth out any wrinkles, be very careful not to stretch or pull the fabric excessively.
• Looking at the edges, make sure the layers are rolling on top of each other on each end.