Device Description HG G-19370-B/HG G-19380-B | English, Revision 03 | Date: 05.05.2020
Introduction – Chapter 2
The inductive guidance sensor HG G-19370-B/HG G-19380-B is used for the induc
tive track guidance of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV). Up to 5 different guide wire
frequencies may be detected and evaluated simultaneously. If there is an existing
ground installation for the contact-less inductive energy transmission with two wires
(from here on also
energy track
) this can also be used for the track guidance. Within
the zone of influence of an active energy track guide wire signals can not be used.
The guide wire frequencies to be detected are configured via the USB interface. The
energy track depends on the variant of the inductive guidance sensor and is support
ed in the implementations listed in Table 2 below. Additionally an incremental en
coder for the measurement of distance or speed may be connected directly to the
sensor. All incremental encoders can be used that have a switching threshold > 10
V between high level and low level (typically 24V incremental encoders). The encod
er values are also output via the bus.
2.1 Variants/Versions
The inductive guidance sensor is available in two different variants with different
bus / interface types. The variant is printed on the device‘s identification label.
2.2 Range of Use
The inductive guidance sensor is intended for indoor usage.
Inside the track a guide wire is layed that is operated in the frequency range 2 to
20 kHz. If there is an existing ground installation for the contact-less inductive
energy transmission this can also be used for the track guidance. These energy
tracks are supported in the implementations listed in Table 2 above. A matching
variant of the inductive guidance sensor has to be used. Within the zone of
influence of an active energy track guide wire signals can not be used.
The inductive guidance sensor can follow turn-offs in guide wire installations by
using different frequencies for the different wires.
The inductive guidance sensor can
not follow
turn-offs in energy track installa
tions. Thus the energy track may not have switch points. For energy track instal
lations with switch points Götting has different antennas with more than one
detection system.
The inductive guidance sensor is installed so that its underside faces the road
way and meets the nominal reading distance towards the guide wire.
Table 2
Variant Overview
Energy Track
HG G-19370
25 kHz, 140 mm wire spacing, 85 A
YB Profinet
HG G-19380
140 kHz, 110 mm wire spacing, 45 A
YB Profinet