Device Description HG G-19370-B/HG G-19380-B | English, Revision 03 | Date: 05.05.2020
Chapter 6 – Configuration
6.4.6 HG G-19370ZB/HG G-19380ZB: (5) CAN Config
Configuration of NodeID and Baudrate. The sub menu CAN-Status lists the reception
and transmission counters as well as possible errors. Additionally CAN statistics are
shown (RX packet counter, TX packet counter, error counter).
Figure 16
Menu CAN config
6.4.7 Firmware Update
If necessary this menu can be used to update the firmware of the inductive guidance
sensor to a new version. In order to update the firmware the device has to be put
into DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode.
Figure 17
Firmware Update Menu
After pressing
the connection in the terminal program should be closed until the
update in DFU mode is finished.
You need the
firmware file and the software
by ST Microelectronics®. You
can request
firmware files from Götting and they will be sent to you via e-mail.
You can download the DfuSe software from the following address:
After starting
DfuSe Demo
click on
to select the
Then start the firmware update by clicking on
After the successful update click on Leave DFU mode.
HG 19370 ZB V1.01 CAN config Goetting KG
NodeID: 1
Baudrate: 250 kBit/s
1: Edit Node ID
2: Edit Baudrate
3: CAN Status
Press any other key to quit
Press y to reboot the device in DFU mode
Press any other key to quit