Move the unit in its upright position to the installation site. It is recommended that the unit be
protected from damage to the decorative doors during any storage or moving. Removal of the
decorative doors is easily accomplished and may be done without moving the equipment.
The shipping skid should be left in place if the unit is being moved with a forklift. If the unit is
being lifted, use spreader bars to prevent damage to the doors and panels.
Figure 4 Example of Lifting Method
The unit has 3/4” (19mm) holes in the shipping skid to which casters with 3/4” (19mm) stems
can be attached. This allows easy movement down halls, into elevators and through doorways.
If clearance is a problem the casters may be inserted directly into the bottom of the
1” (25mm)
tubular steel corner posts at the bottom of the unit.
Improper lifting or moving of the equipment may result in
damage to the decorative doors, panels or frame members.
Locating the Unit
Verify that the floor is level, solid and appropriate construction to support the unit. When
installing the unit, enough space must be allowed for airflow clearance, wiring, plumbing and
service access. It is recommended that each side and front have a clearance of at
least 36”
(914mm) to allow the doors to swing open and for servicing the unit.
The doors on some sides may not require as much service clearance. Refer to the specific unit
component breakdown drawings for assistance. Rear clearance is not required, but
1” to 2” (25