Watchdog 100 Instruction Manual
© 2017 Geist
GM1118 Watchdog 100 Instruction Manual
Alarms & Warnings
The Alarms & Warnings Page allows the user to establish alarm or warning conditions
(hereafter referred to as "Events") for each sensor reading. Events are triggered when a
measurement exceeds a user-defined threshold, either going above the threshold (high-
trip) or below it (low-trip). Events are displayed in different sections, based on the device
or measurement the Event is associated with. Each Event can have one or more actions
to be taken when the Event occurs.
Figure 3-7
Alarms and Warnings Page
Shows the status of each Event.
Empty: No alert condition.
: This symbol indicates that this particular "Warning" Event has been tripped. A
tripped Warning Event displays in orange.
: This symbol indicates that this particular "Alarm" Event has been tripped. A
tripped Alarm Event displays in red.
: This symbol indicates that this Event has been acknowledged by user after
being tripped. It will remain this way until the condition being measured by this Event
returns to normal (i.e., ceases to exceed the trigger threshold for this Event).
Add/Delete/Modify Alarms & Warnings.
: Add new Alarms & Warnings.
: Modify existing Alarms & Warnings.
: Delete Existing Alarms & Warnings.
Notify user of tripped Events, and request acknowledgment.
Empty: No alert condition.
: Acknowledge button. When a Warning or Alarm Event has occurred; the user
can click on this symbol to acknowledge the Event and stop the unit from sending any
more notifications about it.