OC-G-5646-2-ET OLED Lighting Controllers - User Manual
The Power Supply Unit (PSU) used to ener gise the OC-G-5646-2-ET
m ust pr ovide double insulation/r einfor ced isolation fr om m ains elec-
tr icity and pr otected against shor t cir cuits and over loads. We r ecom -
m end using a PSU that lim its its output cur r ent to the appr opr iate
r ating of the contr oller by design, by setting the cur r ent lim it on the
supply (if possible), or thr ough over cur r ent pr otection. The PSU
should be appr oved to either IEC 60950-1, IEC 60335-1, IEC 61010-1,
IEC61558-1,-2,-16. The PSU m ay also be appr oved to equivalent or
super ior safety standar ds.
Any ener gised conductor s der ived fr om m ains electr icity m ust also
have Safety Extr a Low Voltage (SELV) output. Refer to
for allowable voltage lim its.
At m axim um r atings the tem per atur e of the enclosur e can exceed
65°C. Ther efor e, either all cabling m ust be r ated to at least 100°C, or
all cabling m ust be additionally insulated by an appr opr iately r ated
heat r esistant sleeve or pr evented fr om touching the m etal enclosur e
of the contr oller , or its heatsink wher e fitted.
Power supply cabling to the contr oller m ust be r ated to at least 5A.
The cabling fr om the channel output to the load m ust be r ated higher
than the m axim um channel output cur r ent.
If the contr oller is set up incor r ectly, or in the event of failur e, the
ener gy pr ovided by the power supply to the contr oller m ay becom e
dir ectly connected to any or all output channels. You m ust consider
this dur ing installation, and if necessar y, pr ovide adequate pr otection.
The installer m ust pr ovide a clear ly m ar ked, near by and easily access-
ible switch as par t of the installation to allow the contr oller to be dis-
connected fr om its ener gy sour ce on both power conductor s.
Tr ansients caused by inductive loads m ust be suppr essed exter nally
to the OC-G-5646-2-ET.
This is a Class A pr oduct. Its use in r esidential ar eas m ay
cause r adio inter fer ence, and such use should be avoided unless
special m easur es ar e taken by the user to r estr ict em issions to a level
that allows the r eception of br oadcast tr ansm issions.