The setting data for 8 models can be saved in the T8UHPS transmitter itself and
the setting data for 8 more models can be saved in the DP-16K CAMPac (Option)
removable memory module.
CAMPac initialization
To use the CAMPac with the T8UHPS, the CAMPac must be initialized when the
power is turned on for the first time. After the message "INIT? EXT-MEM" appears
on the screen when the power is turned on, press the "+" key. This automatically
initializes the storage area for 8 models. Further operation is unnecessary.
DP-16K CAMPac (Option)
When using the DP-16K CAMPac, remove the transmitter dust cap
and insert the data pack as far as it will go.
Always turn off the transmitter power before inserting or removing
the data pack.
The data memorized in the data pack using an old 8U Series can be copied to the memory in
the body of the 8Usuper Series transmitter. When old data is copied, initialization data for the
new functions added with the 8Usuper are added.
(1) Call the copy function in the BASIC menu/MODEL submenu. (Call the "Pac" screen
following "COPY" of the function name display at the top left of the screen.)
(2) Select the model No. you want to copy using the + or - key.
(3) Press the + and - keys simultaneously two times. (The data is copied to transmitter side
model No. 8.)
However, when data saved for mixing type "H-2" for helicopters using an old model was
copied to the T8UHPS transmitter, whereas the aileron and pitch travel in the old setting data
is fixed at 60%, both the aileron and pitch initial value settings of the new function (swash
AFR function) of the T8UHPS is 50%. Therefore, the travel is reduced by that amount.
Readjust after copying the setting data.
All the data memorized in the CAMPac using an old 8U Series can be batch converted to
8USUPER Series transmitter data. However, the converted CAMPac cannot be used with an
old 8U Series transmitter.
(1) While pressing the two BASIC menu keys simultaneously, turn on the transmitter power
switch. (The conversion function screen is called.)
(2) Press the + key. (Conversion is started and all the models data in the data pack are
The data memorized in the data pack using the 8USUPER Series cannot be used with the old
8U Series.
The setting data (transmitter body and CAMPac) are memorized in memory elements that do
not require a back-up battery. Therefore, the data can be used while ignoring the back-up
battery life. Of course, the setting data is not destroyed even when the transmitter battery is