B.1.4- Contacting Fungilab
You can contact us at http://www.fungilab.com/
B.2.- Getting started
B.2.1- Software installation
Insert the Fungilab Data Boss installation disk (CD-ROM) or the USB Pendrive into the
appropriate drive of your computer.
Wait for the setup application to be loaded. If the setup application does not appear, use
the windows explorer to locate the
file in the appropriate drive and launch it.
Once the setup application has started, follow the on-screen prompts to complete the
The Fungilab Data Boss requires some additional software that can be downloaded from the
Microsoft website at no extra cost. On one hand, the
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
and the
Windows Installer 3.1
are automatically installed by the Fungilab Data Boss installer if they are not
detected in the computer where it is being installed. On the other hand, the
Microsoft Visual C++
2010 Redistributable Package
has to be installed manually. It can be downloaded from the
Microsoft website through the following links.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package for 32-Bit x86 operating systems:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package for x64 Edition operating systems:
The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package must be properly
installed in order to run the Fungilab Data Boss application. Otherwise the USB
communication between the computer and the viscometer will not work correctly and
the Fungilab Data Boss app will not run.
B.2.2- Viscometer installation
In this simple guide you will find step-by-step the instructions for properly installing the Fungilab
measurement device.
1) Be sure that the viscometer is working in the remote mode. In this case, the text 'REMOTE
CONTROL WITH FDB' appears on the screen of the viscometer. More information about the remote
mode can be found in Section 8.6.2 (Communications) of this User Manual. Important: PC is not
able to connect to Viscometer if is not working in "REMOTE CONTROL WITH FDB' mode.