When this screen appears, the speed field will be highlighted. Press the ‘ENTER’ key to modify this
value. You can use the ‘
’ and ‘
’ keys to change the speed, moving from velocities between 0.01
rpm and 200 rpm.
To confirm the speed, you must press ‘ENTER’ and the field ‘SAVE’ will be selected. Press ‘ENTER’
once again to save that velocity.
The viscometer’s screen will now show the list of custom speeds with the first velocity programmed,
with the step number and the speed value, as it is shown in the following screen:
On this screen, the ‘
’ and ‘
’ keys can be used to scroll through the different options, which can be
chosen by pressing the ‘ENTER’ key. The option ‘SAVE’ saves the list of custom speeds and returns
to the ‘Speed Setting’ menu. The ‘CLEAR’ option erases the list of custom speeds and returns to the
‘Custom Speed’ submenu. Finally, a new velocity can be added by highlighting the ‘ADD’ option
(with the ‘
’ and ‘
’ keys) and then pressing the ‘ENTER’ key. A new screen will appear:
The second custom speed will be introduced following the same procedure that was used to include
the first one. Note that the default velocity that will appear in the speed field is always higher than
the previous custom speed. By repeating that procedure a number of custom speeds can be
included. The list of custom speeds can be seen in the following screen: