A p p e n d i c e s
Phase Alternation by Line. The standard for
color television in Western Europe and most of
Asia and Africa.
Parallel Port
A connection to another device through which
data is transferred as a block of bits simultane-
ously with a wire for each bit in the blo ck and
with other wires only for control of the device
not for transfer of data.
A block of space on a hard drive which is set
aside and made to appear to the operating sys-
tem as if it were a separate disk,and addressed
by the operating system accordingly.
PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal
Computer Memory Card International
Association. The Personal Computer Memory
Card International Association is an organiza-
tion that sets standards for add-in cards for
personal computers.
Peripheral Device
A piece of equipment which performs a specific
function associated with but not integral to
a computer. Examples: a printer, a modem,
Parallel Input/Output.
Pitch (keyboard)
The distance between the centers of the letter
keys of a keyboard.
The smallest element of a display, a dot of color
on your display screen. The more pixels per
area the clearer your image will appear.
Power On Sel f Te s t . A program wh i ch is part of
the BIOS wh i ch ch ecks the con fig u ra ti on and
opera ting con d i ti on of your hardw a re wh en ever
power is app l i ed to your Com p uter. S t a tus and
error messages may be displayed before the oper-
a ting sys tem is loaded . If the sel f test detects fail-
u res that are so serious that opera ti on can not
con ti nu e , the opera ting sys tem wi ll not be loaded .
and process video, audio and graphical data effi-
ciently; Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
enabling one instruction to perform the same
function on multiple pieces of data; and more
L1 cache for a total of 32KB.
A system using one channel to process sound
from all sources.
A standard for MIDI interfaces and connectors.
National TV Standards Commission. The
standard for TV broadcast and reception for
the USA.
Operating System
A group of control programs that convert
application commands,including driver
programs,into the exact form required by a
specific brand and model of microprocessor
in order to produce the desired results from
that particular equipment.
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