4. Adjustment
4-8.Install the DSC jig driver and the PC adjustment software.
* Since this camera uses the USB for communications with the
personal computer, in order to start the PC adjustment soft-
ware, [the DSC jig driver] needs to be installed in the personal
computer beforehand.
* The DSC jig driver is the same as that for the FinePix 6800Z,
so if this jig driver software is already installed in the personal
computer, it is not necessary to install it.
The procedure is given below.
(1)Installation of DSC jig driver
<Step 1>
DSC jig driver(ZJ00476-100.ZIP) is downloaded from Web
server (http://fujifilm-di.intranets.com/).
<Step 2>
Defrost the downloaded compression software
<Step 3>
Double-click setup.exe in the folder of defrosted ZJ00476-100
and install Fuji FILM DSC Jig Driver as follows.
<Step 4>
Install the software in [C:\ProgramFiles\Fjig]
according to the instructions on the PC's screen.
(2)Startup of PC adjustment software
When the folder has been copied to the C drive, double-click
on the file C:\S2Pro_UE\ffw.exe (Fig.D-5(1)) to start the ad-
justment software.
<Fig.D-5> Windows Explorer screen of FFW.exe