7 Troubleshooting
The term "fault" is a collective term for warnings, errors and alarms. The boiler reacts
differently to the three types of message:
In case of warnings the status LED flashes orange and the boiler initially
continues controlled operation.
When there is an error, the status LED flashes red, the boiler follows the
shutdown procedure and remains in “Fault“ status until the problem is
An alarm triggers a system emergency stop. The status LED flashes red,
the boiler switches off immediately and the heating circuit controller and
pumps remain active.
A window with the corresponding fault text will also appear. Pressing the Cancel icon
takes you back to the basic display. If the quick select icon and the warning triangle
flash alternately, there is still a fault. The “Error display” button will now appear in the
quick menu.
7.1 Procedure for fault messages
When a fault occurs a window with the corresponding fault text will appear. The “right
arrow” will take you to possible causes of the fault.
Tapping “Solution” will also display action to be taken to resolve the problem. If there
are several options available, these will be listed one below the other.
NOTICE! For more information about troubleshooting see operating instructions for
the boiler controller.
Once the fault has been resolved, tap the Cancel icon to return to the basic display.
Procedure for fault messages
Installation and Operating Instructions | M1730116_en