- 7 -
Rate Attenuvertor
The Rate Attenuvertor will attenuate the incoming Rate CV's affect on the actual sample rate. For full range, or
gain, the attenuvertor should be set to extreme right, or extreme left. If left in the center, the incoming CV will
have little or no affect on the sample rate. This can be useful when using Rate CV with Echo Mode for a
phasing/chorus effect, where a large swing of sample rate makes the effect difficult to control.
The attenuvertor knob from center to (+) will control gain on the positive, where from center to (-) will invert the
CV input and control it's gain. * There is a fine Setting that switches Rate to c/- 1.25 octaves.
Note: If there is no plug in Rate CV, the Rate Attenuvertor will have no affect on the sample rate.
See (11) Rate/Slice Select, and the section ( VIII. A. Knobs). on Sample Rate Control, Rate Knob
Mode Select
The Mode Select button switches the RP (Record Play) mode to Layer, Echo, and RP modes. (Peak on/off)
Layer: This mode allows layers of sound-on-sound to be created by using the feedback loops during simultaneous
play and record. See section on Layering ( IV. C. ) for a detailed description.
This mode will start an echo that can be adjusted from milliseconds to 174 seconds. The method of
setting the echo time is unique in that it acts more like a looper than an effects module. See the section
on Echo Mode ( IV. B. ) to find out how to use echo mode.
This mode has no special sequences attached as does Layer and Echo modes. In this mode the Reflex
acts as a simple sample recorder/ player, with over-dub (SOS) and adding/appending capabilities.
This is the ideal mode for recording a sample, then using Play FX to mini-loop, granulize, slice, or just
play the sample back. See R/P Mode section ( IV. A. ) for more.
This isn't a Mode, but a universal switch to/from Audio Peak Slicer function. Selecting Peak will
turn on the Peak Slicer, then return to the Mode you left to select it. This will hold a Record by arming
it for the next audio peak to start. To turn off/cancel Peak Slicing, just tap the Mode Select button.
Record Button
This button is generally used to record a sample. The way the button reacts depends on which of the 3 modes
(Layer, Echo, R/P) the Reflex is presently set to. It's important to note that the Record button becomes an "Arm"
button when Trig/FSW/Clk is set to Clock. Each step (rec/play/echo) won't start until Clock/div. is satisfied.
As a basic guideline, the record button tapped once will start a record, then tapped a second time to stop record
and switch to Play only. In Layer mode, the 1st tap will start a record, then the next tap a new layer, or double-tap
to switch to play. *Holding the record button will always stop RP record and/or play.
Following taps may be handled differently depending on the mode and stage of recording. See section IV. A, B, C
on pg. 20-24 for each mode's functions with the record button.
Record Status LED
The Record Status LED indicates the present sampler Record and Play status.
-indicates a straight record, with no RP play occurring.
Orange: -indicates Record and Play occurring together. This would be during Echo and Layer mode.
Green: -indicates RP Play Mode (non-PlayFX) that would occur during a Layer Loop only
-indicates no RP Play or Record occurring. PlayFX/slices being active won't light this indicator.
Play Button
The Play button on the Reflex isn't a conventional "Play Sample" button as it relies on settings of Start/G-
move/Position knob, End/Size knob, and Play Select modes which will determine the way the sample plays.
To play the full recorded sample as was recorded, P.Sel button can select either ST or POS, with the ST knob set
fully counter-clockwise, while the END knob is set fully clockwise. Overrides output of any R/P Play while active.
To restart a sample, just tap Play again. To stop Play FX, just hold it down for > 1 second.
For more info on PlayFX modes, see sect. V. on pg.26 .
Slice Button - Slice / Play Slice / Automate
This is the "magic" button that lets you cut up that sample manually into smaller more manageable chunks called
"slices", which can then be selected manually, or via SL.CV input, for PlayFX, or just looping.
Up to 400 slices can be created, which would be a challenge to do by hand, but most of the time you'll only need a
couple of dozen at most.
Tapping the slice button can be used globally, during record, play, playFX, echoing, layering, or even while playing a
slice! Slices are assigned in the order they are created, so can be used to index certain points of a sample.