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Slice Modifier:
Modifying a playing Slice with PlayFX, then saving/updating it, is the same as previous versions (Tap PLAY then
REC in < 1 second) but now a Slice can be "grown" to be longer. Turning off Slice LOOP, then entering PlayFX will
capture the entire Slice range after the present Slice.
This may include some areas of memory that were in the created Slice range, but not assigned a Slice number, so
keep in mind if reversing a long Slice that the area could include non-slice areas.
The "last slice" is actually the
highest slice, searched for during Slice creation.
PlayFX can be used to find the new Slice area, then saved. Tap the Slice button to make sure the Slice is still
selected, then tap PLAY then REC to save.
SGS (Slice Groove Sequencer):
The SGS has undergone some major changes, actually twice before the final system was in place. Hand tapping a
sequence still operates as before, with the Rate Knob (Slice Select on) or SL.CV input selecting Slices, but there
are two other ways to get a sequence into SGS:
Timed Sequence Entry:
As before V1.03A, a sequence can be recorded into the SGS using a trigger/gate on the SL.PLY input, and a CV.
Trying to match the end/step 1 can be difficult as timing on the SLICE (to start recording) and REC (to end
recording/switch to play sequence) buttons is crucial. The next trig/gate after these buttons are pressed will
activate recording or playback, in the same fashion as was entered.
Clocked SGS Sequence:
With Clocked Sequence recording and ClockDiv quantization, this record to play transition time can be
predictable, and much easier to use.
Using a 3rd patch, a clock (sequencer clock)
will keep the sequencer stepping while
recording or playing back. This can be patched
into the SLICE input once already in SGS
mode. At the time of the clock pulse, the Gate
is tested, and if there is also a logic high, then
the CV selects the Slice and it is recorded
into the sequence for that particular clock.
Once switching to SGS Play, only the clock
needs to remain as the other two are ignored.
The clock can be sped up, slowed down, paused,
or stopped. After 5 seconds, the sequence will
reset to Step 1, ready for new clocks!
The key to ease of use of the Clocked SGS is your ClockDiv setting is used to quantize action periods, which
means if you have ClockDiv set to 16, SGS record or play actions will only happen on every 16 clocks.
Plug in a CV and trig/gate to play some
Enter SGS Mode (Hold SLICE & tap REC).
Plug in a Clock source and tap SLICE to
start a trial recording.
To align to your sequencer, tap SLICE
again just before Step 1 in your sequence.
The clock is now aligned.
Tap REC to hear what you've just
recorded, which probably won't be great!
Adjust the Rate knob to new offset and
tap SLICE to start a new recording.
Change the offset to see how it sounds.
Notice the record & play action only
begins after X clocks. It will remain
aligned until you exit SGS
(Hold SLICE for 1 second)
Now the trigger & gate can be removed and SGS will play on, ready to be modified by PlayFX and/or Stutter.
*If the clock is removed, SGS will reset to first step in SGS sequence after 5 seconds, ready for a new clock.