- 18 -
Treat the "end tap" on REC
as the start of a new SGS
loop to keep the beat!
4) Slice Groove Sequencer (Automation) Mode
A special feature of the Reflex LiveLoop is the Slice Automation Mode. This allows "recording" of a sequence
of Slice Play back actions on the slice button, or SL CV and SL.PLY T/G inputs. A sequence or "groove" can be
accomplished with this simple mode. Advanced use includes a Clock signal & quantizing (see more on"SGS" pg. 33)
Furthermore, depending on how SLICE SEL is set (Green Slice P LED on = Slice Select on the RATE knob, Green
Slice P LED off = Sample Rate on the Rate knob) the Slices can be selected to play during SGS recording, or the
Sample Rate can be changed on a single slice. If you're quick (or CV'ing), both can be done in a single recording!
The following example assumes some slices have been created, the Slice LOOP is on, and you have a bit of rhythm
to tap into the SLICE button:
-Switch to Slice Select Mode by pressing Slice Sel so green P LED comes on
-Hold down the SLICE button, then tap the REC button. Slice R LED will light indicating Ready to go.
-When ready and in sync, etc, tap the SLICE button to a rhythm.
Use the Rate knob to select different Slices. The LED Circle will
indicate which Slice you have selected.
-Once done, tap on the REC button when ready to start the Automation
playback. Once Playback has started, the REC button is "normal"
-To end the automation playback and start recording a new one, start tapping the SLICE button again.
This allows a continuously changing update as you tap in new "grooves"
-To Exit Slice Groove mode, press and hold the Slice button for > 1 second, but no longer than 4 seconds
or you will erase all of the Slices!
-Shift the Rate of your playing Sequence. Press Slice Sel to exit Slice Select (Green LED will flash)
so you can use the Rate knob. Adjusting the rate knob can shift all of the slices up or down!
-Try entering PlayFX modes while your Sequence is playing! (Hold PLAY button to exit PlayFX)
To find out how to slice with T/G inputs and Play slices with SL.PLY and SL CV inputs, clocking, see section VI.
5) Modifying Slices
A fairly recent addition to the Reflex Slicing arsenal is the ability to modify a Slice using PlayFX.
Sometimes a slice is too long, especially if it was acquired from a running Echo or a Layer, which makes a Slice the
length of a single echo or layer, which in of itself could be quite long. Fear not, for there is a way to shorten, shift
the start, or even reverse it!
It has already been mentioned above that PlayFX can be used on a Slice, but that modification can easily be saved
to that Slice as well! This short Example will show you how.
The following example assumes some slices have been created, and the Slice LOOP is on:
-Switch to Slice Select Mode if not already there by pressing Slice Sel so green P LED comes on
-Select a Slice to modify by using Rate Knob and tapping the Slice button
-Decide on which PlayFX mode you want to use to Modify the Slice (ST or POS, not GM)
-Tap the PLAY button to start a PlayFX on the playing Slice and adjust Start-End knobs to suit.
-Once ready to save it as is now, tap SLICE then REC immediately afterward. (You have 1 second.)
The "new version" of the Slice will be playing as PlayFX exits, ready for another Slice.
-Try Changing the Slice's sample Rate (you must exit Slice Sel for Rate Knob) and Save it
-Re-Editing an already modified Slice will act as an undo, but if the Rate was changed it must be returned
-It is possible to "copy" a slice to a new location by selecting a different slice once PlayFX is playing.
You will hear the newly selected Slice in PlayFX, but when you "save" it, it will save to the originally
selected Slice "slot". This will not damage or alter the "source" Slice or other slices.
*Note: At the writing time of this manual, G-Move is not implemented to be a Slice Modifier, mostly because of
the nature of G-Move and a single "grain" of sound wouldn't work well as a Slice.
If the Rate knob has been moved to a new Slice position, a PlayFX modified Slice will be saved to the new
position! By re-entering PlayFX, the original Slice can be recalled and saved if this is accidental.