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The "Entry Point" of the PlayFX loop will vary
depending on the RP Mode, but if controls are
at their extremes, the change will be seamless.
i.e. If Start Knob is all the way to the left, then
PlayFX entry will continue an echo (infinitely).
B. Description of PLAY FX functions by example
The second section of Examples is Play FX. Play FX is simply taking an area of a sample recorded/recording by one
of the RP Modes, (R/P, Layer, or Echo) and looping it, speeding up or slowing down, reversing, granulizing, pitch
shifting, etc. using different methods and CV inputs. This is non-destructive to the original sample, which still plays
in the background to be returned to in a timely manner.
Tapping the PLAY button starts Play FX. Play FX will take
either a full sample (R/P Mode), the present Echo/Delay Size
(Echo Mode), or the present Layer size for manipulation of
size, speed, direction, and Granulizing.
There are 3 modes of PlayFX:
- Start/End: To control the start and end points of the loop playing inside of PlayFX, also reverse.
- Position/Size: To control where in the sample the start is and the loop size
- G-Move: To Scroll through the sample at various speeds, forward or reverse, and with variable
Grain size.
1) "MiniLooping" an Area of a Sample
A "MiniLoop" is a smaller loop that will play within the RP Sample Loop, or a Slice, without changing the flow of
the larger sample. A miniLoop can be reversed, paused at a position, (G-Move), or set boundaries for a Slice.
To start a "MiniLoop" from the RP sample playing, or last sample recorded (from the first RP example) use the
following steps:
-Configure PLAY FX knobs (right side of panel) with the P.SEL button. Select the ST LED (Start/end).
-Adjust the PLAY FX knobs, now Start/End knobs, to the relative sample area's start and end points.
-Make sure the Loop LED (under PLAY button) is on. If not just tap its tiny button to turn on loop.
-Tap the PLAY button and the loop you have defined will start, replacing the RP loop (if was playing)
-Exiting PLAY FX MiniLoop. You can either:
Hold the PLAY button to exit, and return to previous state (RP) PlayFX entry point is also reset, or
Toggle off the Loop LED (under PLAY button) so PlayFX "falls out". Entry Point is Saved for re-use.
*Turning Loop back on, when not in PlayFX, will reset PlayFX.
If in Echo Mode and still echoing, this is useful for smooth exits in reverse,
then being able to start a new playFX on the previous playFX still echoing!
-Play the MiniLoop in reverse: Setting the Start knob higher than the End Knob will play reverse!
-Exit the loop: If the Loop LED is turned off, the MiniLoop will stop at the loop point, returning to
previous state (RP loop playing or recording, etc)
At this point, tapping the PLAY button will play the point of the Start knob as a 1-shot, with restart.