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Slice Trigger Input Slicing
A forth way to create a Slice is to use the SLICE trigger input. This is a preferred method when a certain size of
Slice is desired, and will cut slices evenly (if the trigger is even) so they can be fully played by the same
clock/trigger source without looping. * For Sequential Slices, do this during initial Record or playing in R/P mode.
Slice trigger would be capable of creating 400 tiny slices in 4 seconds (100Hz trigger) during initial record, for
direct control of sample position from an LFO or other waveform generating module.
*Note: This input becomes a Slice Sequence Clock when in SGS mode. (Slice Groove Sequencer, section C.)
Recording over Sliced Sample ..accidental
Because of the Serendipitous nature of Modular music, it was decided to put no "overwrite" protection in the
Reflex LiveLoop. It was tried and quickly bogged down the user with deletes, validations, and setting areas etc,
then became very confusing. So, in a nutshell, it is possible to overwrite Slices created with new recordings.
This can be desirable if Sequencing a large number of Slices for a long period while continuing to Record as the
Slices will change, get mixed into new Record, but the Sequence remains the same!
All Modes are capable of continuous Recording (except Layer won't work properly if > 1 minute 27 seconds) and
R/P Mode has a feature that, when REC button is tapped after recording all day, will play the last 3 minutes of
audio recorded (@48Ks/s, longer if lower Sample Rate). This can be then Sliced into manageable sizes.
*For Intentional Slice record-overs, see section E. Slice "Global Overdubbing"
Playing Slices
Manually Playing Slices can be accomplished by tapping SLICE SEL to toggle on
the green P LED, then selecting 1 of 16 Slices with the Rate Knob.
The LED circle indicates Slice # 1-4, 5-8, then with amber/yellow LED on Slice # 9-12, 13-16 as the knob is turned.
These 16 also act as a Slice # offset to the SL.CV input. Slice # offset is useful to shift a whole sequence of
Slices up by 1 - 16 slices, without worrying about Voltages.
! NEW: Slices are now indicated in chunks of 16 (amber = +8) when green SLICE SEL LED is on.
Loop On/Off: If Loop is off, will play through following Slices instead of looping or stopping (1-Shot) at end of a
Slice. Hold LOOP button to toggle Slice Loop on/off.
SL.CV input can be used to select Slices with the voltage/slice depending on the number of Slices. The Voltage
range is 0-5V so if there are 100 slices, this would be 20 slices per volt, or with 60 slices, there'd be a match with
the 1/V octave standard on a keyboard (positive side only) with 12 Slices per octave… but it's more fun just to
make a bunch of Slices and play with them!
SL.PLY input will trigger a Slice to play, regardless of SLICE SEL setting or any mode.
! NEW: The White button must be held >1 second to exit unless Slice LOOP is off, which will cause a triggered
Slice to Stop at it's loop point, then exit to RP sample playing. If RP play has been stopped, then exits to silence.
This new feature allows for 1-shot Slice playing.
*Note: 1-Shot only works with a triggered Slice, not the button, which intuitively plays through when LOOP is off.
PlayFX will work inside of a Slice, but also will update to a new Slice selected!
This allows a single PlayFX effect to be applied to all Slices as they play in a non-destructive way. This only works
if PlayFX is applied once any Slice is playing as a "Slice First" status. If a PlayFX (from an RP sample) is already
active when a Slice is played, the Slice play will "run over" the PlayFX and no PlayFX will be applied to it.
Changing the Sample Rate of Slices
When a Slice is Playing, or many are being Sequenced, the base (global slice) sample rate can be changed, shifting
them all up or down with the Rate knob.
If SLICE SEL is on (green P LED) then tap the SLICE SEL button to exit Slice Select (the Slice or Slice Sequence
will still play) to return to Rate control.
A pair of LEDs will flicker 4 times to indicate which way to adjust the Rate control to match the present sample
rate of the slices. If you move towards the flicker, nothing will change until you pass the present sample rate.
If you move away from the flicker, then the Rate will quickly slide up to the present Rate knob position.
This only changes the base Slice sample Rate, not the actual Slices individually. To do that skip down to sect.D
Slice Modifications using PlayFX.
The Rate CV input will happily globally change the Slice Sample Rate at any time a Slice is playing!