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Reflex In A Nutshell
At first the Reflex can seen a daunting beast, but is actually very simple once you break away from the convention
of Red button=Record ONLY, Green button=Play ONLY.
This is not the case. The Red Button controls everything RP (Record Play) and the Green button "Captures" a
sample (or Slice) to play and to to work on from the sample recorded/played by the Red button.
The way the Record button works in all of the 3 modes in general is:
Tap to start Recording
Tap to start playing what has been just recorded, and
in Echo Mode: Keep recording as a delay. Setting also the echo time.
in Layer Mode: Switch to Play what has just been recorded. Setting also the Layer Loop time.
in R/P Mode: Switch to Play
Another tap on the Record will
in Echo Mode: Switch off record and enter infinite echo playing of the last loop/echo
in Layer Mode: Do nothing as a double tap on Record is needed to start a new Layer recording
in R/P Mode: Start Recording/Overdubbing immediately into the playing sample, while still playing.
Yet another tap on Record will
in Echo Mode: Resume echoing, with following taps to toggle between echoing and infinite echo
in Layer Mode: Single tap will switch to play if recording, or a double tap switches to Record
in R/P Mode: Stop Recording and switch back to play, with following taps toggling between the two.
So you can see that the Record button is Step based, and the 2nd tap always sets the initial length of the sample.
Holding the Record button (>1 second) always stops sample record and/or play.
PlayFX and Slices are best described using the diagram below
PlayFX windows over a certain area of a sample captured defined by the 2 knobs on the panel right, Start/End,
Position/Size, or G-Move, depending on the P.SEL PlayFX Mode. The initial mode at power-up is Start/End.
The 2 knobs can be used to set the Start and End positions of the loop captured from the RP Sample by pressing
the Play button. Subsequent presses on the Play Button will re-start play from the "Window" you have set.
To exit PlayFX, just hold the Play button longer than 1 second.
Slices are similar to a PlayFX loop when played, but are created silently during the recording/playing of an RP
sample., to be recalled once in SLICE SEL mode. The heavenly White button is all about Slices!
Slices can be created by simply tapping the Slice button during Record, Play, or Echo, then after, toggling on SLICE
SEL (the P LED over Slice button) will change the Slice button to play a Slice selected by the Rate knob.
As shown in the diagram. PlayFX can window through a Slice as it would a RP sample, then even modify it!
Slices can be created also by the Slice Trigger input, or Peak Audio levels, up to 400 at once.
As with all heirarchies, there are a couple of "rogues" and the Stutter and Live Pitch Shift modes are the Reflex's
rogues. Stutter will run during any Mode, at any time, while Live Pitch Shift only runs in one state (during record)
and one PlayFX mode (G-Move)
This is the foundation of understanding the Reflex LiveLoop. There are many many more features of course, or
else this manual could end right here!