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Export as PDF…
Exports the displayed Main Window into a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. PDF is a popular
file format for which many viewing programs exist.
Export Data…
Exports the data selected in the Main window. Note: Only the data fields defined in the Preferences >
Export > Data Fields (tab) will be exported. If a Preferred Spreadsheet Application has been selected
under Preference > Export Settings > General (tab), then the selected application will be used to open
the exported data file automatically. This function also creates a file named “data_export.csv” in the
working directory for the List file that is currently open.
Export Summary Data…
Exports the summary data for the statistical information displayed on the Main window. The
spreadsheet application is started automatically if installed or configured. This function also creates a
file named “summary_export.csv” in the working directory for the List file that is currently open.
The particle or summary data export functions work on the data that is currently in view on the Main
Window or on a subset of that data if a selection is currently highlighted. The Particle Count grid on the
Main window under the graphs shows how many particles of the total are currently being used to
calculate the summary data. The data for all particles can be displayed by closing the View window if
open and using the Edit > Show All Data menu option to force the Main window to display all data.
Selecting Export Data or Export Summary Data at this point will export the particle or summary data for
all of the particles.
Additionally, the data underlying histogram graphs can be exported in CSV format by right clicking on a
graph and using the Export Histogram Data... menu option. This function also creates a file named
“histogram.csv” in the working directory for the List file that is currently open.