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PMT/Scatter (if required)
Load (if desired)
Click OK in the Context Window
Test the settings before you do an analysis by starting AutoImage Mode (No Save) or Trigger
Mode (No Save).
Main Window: Setup > AutoImage Mode (No Save) or Trigger Mode (No Save). Note: If
working with a peristaltic style pump, turn on the pump before you click on the No Save
Determine if the FlowCAM is identifying particles of interest to you and segmenting
them correctly.
Close the No Save run and make changes in the Context Settings and repeat as needed
Insure that an appropriate amount of sample is in the sample introduction funnel/pipette
Main Window: Analyze > Mode of your choice
Follow subsequent prompts
In the window where the data set is named please note that when you click “Save” the
run will begin
Allow data collection to end based on the preset stop conditions or terminate manually if