GARANT drag hose spreader
Service and maintenance
Fliegl Agrartechnik GmbH, 84453 Mühldorf am Inn, Germany
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8.5.3 Disassembly and final shutdown
Switch off the machine.
Disconnect the power line from the switch cabinet or disconnect the plugs, roll up the
supply line cable and attach it securely on the machine.
Turn off the hydraulic supply and disconnect the supply line.
Drain the auxiliary materials.
Disassembly of the machine is performed in the reverse order to assembly, or as
described in the disassembly instructions.
8.5.4 Scrapping and recycling
Separate machine parts and electrical parts and dispose of them properly.
Separate all parts, auxiliary materials and working materials of the machine and
dispose of them according to local regulations and directives.
If you have any questions about scrapping/recycling, please contact the