GARANT drag hose spreader
Preparation and setup
Fliegl Agrartechnik GmbH, 84453 Mühldorf am Inn, Germany
39 of 77
6.3.6 Attaching the spreader
Attach the mounting lugs of the spreader to the
H-frame in the following position.
Attach the centre hole of the lug at a height of 1500
to 1550 mm.
Use a crane or front loader to assist with lifting the
spreader up to the H-frame.
Fig. 24
Attaching the spreader
Attaching the lugs
The guide value for
tyres is the middle hole
on the lug at approx.
1380 mm
The guide value for
tyres is the middle hole
on the lug at approx.
1500-1550 mm
Extend the lift cylinders on the H-frame.
Grease the spreader lugs when attaching the drag hose spreader to the tank trailer
(see section 0).