The Panda Generator
Page 42 Panda_AGT-DC_5000_12V_s01285_Operation manual.R03 - Chapter 4: The Panda Generator
4.3.3 Components of the fuel system
External fuel pump
The Panda generator is always supplied
with an external, electrical (12 V of DC) fuel
pump. The fuel pump must be always
installed in the proximity of the tank. The
electrical connections with the lead plan-
ned for it are before-installed at the gene-
rator. Since the suction height and the
supply pressure are limited, it can be
sometimes possible that for reinforcement
a second pump must be installed.
Fig. 4.3.3-1: External fuel pump
Connecting pieces for the fuel pipe
1. Fuel intake
2. Fuel backflow
Fig. 4.3.3-2: Fuel connections
Fuel filter
A consequential filtering of fuel is especi-
ally important for all marine systems. A fine
filter, which is firmly attached to the inside
of the sound insulation capsule for the
marine version, is supplied on delivery, and
loose for other makes. In all cases a further
pre-filter with water separator must be
installed. See directions for fuel filter instal-
Fig. 4.3.3-3: Fuel filter