The Panda Generator
Panda_AGT-DC_5000_12V_s01285_Operation manual.R03 - Chapter 4: The Panda Generator Page 43
Fuel solenoid valve
The fuel solenoid valve opens automati-
cally if „START“ is pressed on the remote
control panel“. The solenoid closes, if the
generator is switched to „OFF“ position.
It takes a few seconds before the generator
stops. If the generator does not start or
does not run smoothly (i.e. stutters), or
does not attain full speed, then the cause is
fore-mostly the solenoid.
Fig. 4.3.3-4: Fuel solenoid valve
Injection nozzles
If the engine does not start after the venti-
lation, the fuel injection lines must be de-
aerated individually.
Fig. 4.3.3-5: Injection nozzle
Glow plugs
The glow plugs serve the pre-chamber for
the heating with cold start. The heat-treat
fixture must be operated, if the tempera-
ture of the generator is under 16°C. This
is practically with each start the case. The
heat-treat fixture may be held down also
during start and favoured the starting pro-
Fig. 4.3.3-6: Glow plugs