Installation Instructions
Page 82 Panda_AGT-DC_5000_12V_s01285_Operation manual.R03 - Chapter 5: Installation Instructions
5.8.4 Checking the current limit
A DC clamp-meter to monitor the generator output current and a multimeter with a mV DC range
are required for this test. The batteries must be discharged prior to testing to ensure that the
generator is able to deliver the maximum output. Run the generator, monitor the DC output cur-
rent of the generator and measure DC mV range between connections 9 and 10 on the VCS box.
Please check the signal polarity. On generators built before 2003 the maximum DC voltage is 60
mV for the rated current. On generators built after 2003 the DC voltage is 48 mV for the conti-
nuous current.If this millivolt level is exceeded, please check the proper connection and polarity
of the cable between the shunt and the VCS box.
To set the charging current / voltage, consumers with the rated performance of the generator
should be turned on. The charging current must now be measured and the potentiometer set to
110A so that the engine can operate in its nominal performance range
1. Potentiometer for adjusting the char-
ging current.
Clockwise turning will increase the char-
ging current.
Fig. 5.8.4-1: Potentiometer charging current