Maintenance Instructions
Panda_AGT-DC_5000_12V_s01285_Operation manual.R03 - Chapter 6: Maintenance Instructions Page 97
Mark the impeller, to make sure that these
is used in the correct position at re-instal-
Pull to the impeller with a multigrip pliers
of the wave.
Fig. 6.7.3-4: Impeller
Check to the impeller for damage and
replace it if necessary.
Before the reinsertion into the housing the
impeller should have been lubricated with
glycerin or with a non-mineral oil based
lubricant e.g. silicone spray.
Fig. 6.7.3-5: Impeller
The impeller is attached to the pump wave
(if the old impeller is used, pay attention to
the before attached marking).
Fastening the cover and use a new seal.
Fig. 6.7.3-6: Gasket